Oz was Lovely
It's Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I haven't been online in three whole days. Five since I last posted. Tornadoes, right? Well, thankfully that didn't quite happen. We had a few rough storms Saturday night. Wind, lightening, and extremely heavy rain, but nothing worth staying up for. I went onto bed and slept til morning. Cleaned house all day. Got drunk Sunday night. Worked on a short story. Read two blogs and wrote three pieces. Finally passed out for a few hours.
Woke up Monday and worked: I don't remember it though. I love to be hungover on Mondays! It makes it all the more forgettable. Though I do remember one thing from Monday...I finished the short story!! Out of the ten I was to write, only two were fiction, and one was actually already done from the summer: it just desperately needed a rewrite. So yes. The BIG fictional short story, the one I started from scratch is finished, and I'm happy with it. I really am. I think I'll let it "breathe" a bit, then edit, fluff, revise it. But once I'm finished-finished, and have received permission from the two fellow Bloggers I used as characters, I think I'll post it. Or try to have it published. Sure...why not. I've got to start sometime.
Monday night, after getting Baby Girl to bed, I celebrated the finishing of the big short-story by finishing off the big bottle of rum. Yes, got drunk again. Watched Bridget Jones Diary again. Stripped down to my underwear and stretched out on the couch. Wrote a bit of drunken nonsense by hand.
I went to bed and passed out til Tuesday. Had a nightmare. Woke up smiling. Decided to turn my nightmare into my next short story. I think I'll keep going, one after another, til November comes. That's the trick, right? You finish one. You get high off your own achievement. Action leads to inspiration; inspiration rarely leads to action (tis a famous quote, I think). Had busy days both Tuesday and Wednesday. Slept inbetween.
I stayed up last night (a few hours ago) taking pictures and watching Sabrina. Took a shower. Washed my hair. Felt restless for the lack of writing. Thought I'd come in here, and settle in with some hot coffee and prose. Wanted to check my email first. Post a piece or two, maybe some pictures. Of course read blogs and see friends and say hi. (I'll have to wait til Friday or the weekend, though: I'm about to fall asleep and I wish I wasn't. I miss people.)
But no, not a single tornado. Life is actually all right. Been taking long walks every day, as always, but the air is so much nicer now. Thinner. Less steam makes it easier to breathe. Less humidity. I'm loving the cool breeze. The dandelion seeds all dancing on the wind, falling like snow. The trees getting ready to change colors. It's all so romantic. I feel so creative! If only I had more time...October's almost here, and I'll be twenty-three. I want to find some balance before starting my new year.
I'll be here writing, and hopefully all caught up within a few days to come. I hope everyone in the world is sleeping, having sweet dreams. Or nightmares, should they inspire you.
I hope September has a happy ending after all.