I call him Jimmy Stewart
After months of listening to my old desktop computer rattle about, and watching it black out for no reason whatsoever, I finally decided it was time to invest in something better. New, and more convenient.
Drum roll please...
I bought a laptop!
Hooray!! Tis an understatement. I've been wanting one for years, but obviously, was too poor, which is fine. It's fun to wait until you can afford something. Not use a credit card. I could have bought it with cash. Not that I'm bragging, of course. My bank account is now practically empty, but all my bills are paid (even the pile of hospital, doctor, and dentist bills). I used the other half of my tax refund to completely pay off one credit card, and make quadrooople-size payments on all my others.
My only problem is, I know nothing about laptops. Am I supposed to keep it plugged up all the time or do I just charge the battery and then unplug it?? I have no idea...
I took it out of the box last night, and then went to bed after cutting my finger on a shard of glass hiding beneath my desk. Was too tired. Started setting it up this morning, and got frustrated...figured I better get online for the first time in forever and start catching up with everyone before I get all lap-top-ish...blogging and writing from the comforts of anywhere! Now just work will take place here in the office. At this desk I've grown to hate.
I'm really looking at this like writerly freedom. I'm not sure I'm still entering that contest I've been blabbing about...but I do have good news...great news! More, more, more...
While offline the past week and a half (or however long it was this time), I had a brilliant idea! Novel three...now I don't have to stumble into this tiny, hot office every morning and/or night to write it! Just lie in bed or on the couch, and write, write, write till my little heart's content. Which is never. So until my little head's content...when I'm published.
Too much excitement (no matter how self-absorbed) for one morning when I'm actually running a fever and feeling quite sick.
I just wanted to throw out a lifeline. I'm here and alive. Baby Girl is well. I have stories to tell, but as I mentioned, I have been offline...was giving myself time to mourn. ‘Wander the darkness', and all that sadbastard nonsense (which isn't nonsense at all). And once I felt better, my computer got all fidgety for the millionth time, and I thought, Well, it's now or never. I have the money...why not do something for myself?
Very rare and selfish moment...I hope it pays off in a few years when I'm big and famous.
I plan to get myself back in gear (in a healthy way, and health permitting, of course) as soon as I get the new computer figured out. Any advice is extremely welcome!
I did name him Jimmy Stewart, as I mentioned. He's pretty and shiny...my new best friend. :)