Thursday, November 23, 2006

Poetry Thursday: Blue Monday

This week's prompt was to attend a poetry reading. I can't, nor won't, do that. Instead, I wrote the following this past Monday, after taking a walk at sunrise to cure my writer’s block.

Poor Man's Snow

I went walking through the frost
To pretend that it was snow
Crunching sounds of white powder
On frozen grass that doesn’t know

It’s not snow
I said, but smiled
For the earth is just as cold

Whether frost is sleeping on the ground
Or whether it is snow.


Jon said...

Hi Ashley,

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed this poem. A lot. At first glance, before I really took anything in beyond the spatial appearance of the poem and the first line, I was thinking, "eehhhh." Boy, was that a dumb rush to judgement on my part! Once I actually read the poem, I found the rhythm and the repeated use of various "o" sounds fun and inviting, and the movement of consciousness between the narrator and the grass really interesting. Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to reading more of your Poetry Thursday submissions.


(P.S.--I know you didn't solicit comments on the poem, so I was really hesitant about posting this, but since I just wanted to share a little praise I was hoping you wouldn't mind. :-) If you really didn't want feedback at all, sorry!)

A. B. Chairiet said...

Hi Jon,

It's nice to meet you. And I'm glad enjoyed the poem. :)

I'm not surprised you thought it would be bad, just upon glancing at it. My poetry is clumsy and immature. I'm glad you found the rhythm, though. :)

As for soliciting comments: I feel if someone keeps a blog, they're pretty much asking for feedback. It just goes with the territory. I've been doing this for a long time now, so I'm used to every type of comment there is.

Thank you for yours. For reading, and for being honest.

I appreciate that. :)

Happy Thursday,
~ Ash