Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pride and Prejudice

What do you mean you don't like my mustache?!

So it's Saturday, and I couldn't sleep. I'm drinking. Listening to loud music. Dancing. Life is swell, albeit strange and busy.

Monday night, I was lying in the floor with Baby-bot, half-playing with her in her dollhouse, half-watching The Harvey Girls in my nightgown, waiting patiently for the Bolger/Garland dance number, How delightful to see them reunited! when I heard a knock at yonder door. Twas a neighbor of mine. A young mother of her own baby girl. She was married, but that didn't last...they're still married though. Southerners rarely take the time (cough, cough, the money) to receive technical, legal, oh-the-shame-of-it-all divorces, so. Yes. Married. But not for long...ran off and joined the army. Was stationed up north. Got knocked up and now she's home. Lives up the road from us. Her little darling is turning one years old, and having a party this afternoon.

We're invited. Tis why she stopped by...handed me the invitation. I immediately thought of my dream: the party full of families, and Baby Girl falling.

I should probably be sleeping now, especially not drinking, so I can keep two open eyes on her at all times later today.


Went for a walk Tuesday or Wednesday. Heard horrible noises out in the woods. Twas three dogs having sex, simultaneously, while another dog stood watch. His tongue hanging out. Panting. All of them howling. I laughed, and they heard me...broke it up long enough to chase me and Baby Girl, who yes, was crying. And fear of dogs or not, I kept my cool, I'm proud to say. I told Baby Girl, Don't cry, it's okay. Told the dogs, Hush up, filthy mutts! They went back to their business, not in the woods, though, but right there in the middle of the road.

I didn't go to that local festival. No one would go with me, and I didn't feel like taking Baby Girl alone.


My father came over Thursday night with a Pizza for him and Baby Girl.

They sat and ate, as he and I discussed politics and the upcoming elections. I asked for his opinions on the candidates...

Big mistake.

Dad ranted and raved about how I should vote for Asa Hutchinson, and not Mike Beebe. Unless of course I like Bill Clinton (which is a mortal sin in Dad's book) because Bill Clinton, while in office, he says, was more interested in whores than the state of our nation. You don’t support that, now do ya? Support Bill Clinton...damn, worthless...

Random mutterings, all muffled by cheese and various pizza toppings. Baby Girl's bibble-babbling. My own sighing, and crinkling of the newspaper.

I ask what makes Asa Hutchinson so great? Besides the fact that I find him more, if only somewhat, aesthetically pleasing...

Dad said, He's against those Homosexuals getting married, adopting babies.

I said, I have no problem with gay people getting married...I think all marriage should be illegal though. Tis the stupidest, most outdated institution known to modern man.

As for gay parents adopting babies: I told him there are so many sweet little babies who need homes, and who the hell can say who's fit to be a parent and who's not? I raise Baby Girl, and no, I'm not gay, just a young borderline alcoholic who's somewhat suicidal, depressed for life, and this makes me better suited to care for another human being, more so than those who prefer the same-sex while fornicating??

Please. Sexual Orientation matters not, when all kids need is love and attention. I give Baby Girl a million times the ocean! I hug and cuddle and tell her I love her.

The fact that I find women attractive is completely irrelevant when it comes to my ability to be a great parent.

My father doesn't know...doesn't care. Rants and raves. Eats. Finishes.

We moved to the living room to watch Brian Wilson in concert. Talk of who was better: The Beatles or the Rolling Stones.

He goes home to his wife, the home-wrecking dogface bitch that slept with him while he was still married to my mother, who is obviously straight as a board, and wasn’t a good parent at all. My father either. He wasn't around...not at all concerned for the state of his daughters while in office with his whore.

We thanked him for the pizza, and kissed him goodnight.


Friday was all right. I worked hard. Took a short nap, and then got up and took Baby Girl for a long walk. Twas cool and breezy. Nice. We talked and had fun, and she's so excited for the party. Keeps saying, Birthday party! and smiling.

Finally got her to bed around ten. Went to bed myself and laid there, staring at the ceiling. Couldn't sleep. Just laid there, and laid head full, and my heart...well, I'm not sure what she's wanting, or losing, or needing, or what she says to my head when I'm not listening.

I came in here to drink.


Daibh said...

Wow, Ash! What a post!! From the rutting dogs to "the home-wrecking dogface bitch" -- whoa! Thunder in your words, there, as ever.

Puck Asa Hutchinson, precious! Your good heart'll know which way to go on that. Moral values? Yeah, right. Just so much fairy dust they throw to keep people voting for the GOP! Beebe! Beebe! Fun to say, even. Asa Hutchinson sounds like he'd be presiding over a witch trial somewhere.

Love and attention -- that indeed is what kids need. Not Ritalin, or overscheduling, or whatever. Just love and attention. So easy, but so many people don't get it.

Drywall Mom said...

My parents sound like yours in the way of polotics. Complete Republicans, though they don't like bush that much, they still like the rest of them.

I don't understand what people do when they have affairs while married and have kids. I don't think that they understand the reprocusions of what they do for their selfish actions. I know a few of those and it's not pretty. My father in law did that to my mother in law with her half sister. Yeah, feel the love now. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

I hope that you had a great time at they party and when life gets ya down, just remember that people out there are thinking of you.

Rich said...

Daibh's got it right there in the last paragraph.

Brian said...

Hi Ash,
I'm always amazed at your insight and your ability to write about what could be mundane things, but they have such power and meaning when seen through your eyes and your heart...

I feel so much for the woman lying in bed staring at the ceiling at longing to have what your heart wants, even when you don't know what it is your heart even wants...I've been there, too, and it's lonely even when there's someone beside you...

Take care my dear Ashley.


A. B. Chairiet said...

Brian: Thank you.

I feel so much for the man lying in bed or on the couch, alone, or not alone...feeling alone either way.

I miss you.

I'm sorry I haven't been a better friend. Just lost out here, I guess...

Thank you, so much though, for looking through my heart and eyes...

Take care of yourself too, dear Brian.

I will find my way...and soon. :)


Jasp: I agree. :)


Drywall Mom: Thank you...I do think we have similar parents, from what I've read in the past...the religious aspect of our upbringing. Their conservative nature. Etc.

I hope you and your family are well.

I love the new avatar. :)


Davey: Thank you, precious. Your words made me smile...your kindness and understanding. :)


I hope all of you are well.

Happy Friday!
~ Ash