Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Waking the dead

I’m in quite a mood. One has to be to blog, to write, to allow herself to wake up at four o’clock in the morning, and say, Yes, today’s the day, I’ll go back with my tale between my legs and write it and post it, and if people read it, they read it, and if they don’t, I just might cry long hours in the latest hours of night with nothing but my rum to comfort me.

I have a story to tell you. Story after story. I always do. I’m good at keeping track; remembering, then recalling.

Or I keep telling myself that because God knows I need the confidence boost.

I need to know in my own mind, that I can remember not only what to write, but HOW to write it. That my writing isn’t bad. Though I don’t think it good. And what, really, does writing have to do with it, anyway? I was talking about the stories: what it’s all about. The details. The beginning, middle, and ends. Not how it’s written. How well or how poor it’s written. Sometimes it’s just IF it gets written. And you can always shape it up later.

I need to write something. I haven’t written in weeks. Except poetry, but poetry isn’t fulfilling to me. It’s foreplay. It just gets me going...I need the sex. The big time. The consummation of real life and words, and put ‘em together, and what do ya got?

Stories. Blog entries. Something of coherence.

And preferably doesn't rhyme.

Though I’m not trying to downplay or badmouth poetry, mind you. Tis my roots. My fallback. It has its place in the grand scheme of creativity.

Poetry, fiction, and song lyrics: they group together off to one side; the dimly-lit room in the house of writing. The artistic side, where sad people can find other sad people, and be inspired by the sadness, and who can cry loudest, or maybe softest. Prettiest. It’s all very nice. [Talent required]

The other side, you'll find the nonfiction writers, the general blog writers ("Today I did this..."), the journalists, the wannabes.

And finally, somewhere inbetween, you'll find me. Self-loathing member of the McCourtin’ Memoiric crowd. The "I lived it, and made a gigantic mental note of it, but instead of writing it, I spent all summer sleepwalking through life, just being quiet, sometimes talking too much, jumping from one project to another without ever finishing. Falling in love with men who don’t love me. Or can’t love me. Or won't. Getting drunk, and reading blogs, and not writing the emails I wanted to write. Having no time for the people who deserve the time, and plenty of time for a few that did, and quite a few who probably didn’t. And all the while, remembering the stories. The days I lived. The mornings I awoke after all. And thought, Yes, today’s the day. I’ll get out of bed. I have reason to. I have a child to love and stories to write. Though I didn’t write the stories...I made the mental notes: giant post-it’s all stuck about my brain. And it’s time. Time to shut my eyes, and let the notes and the blank page consummate, and at the end of the day, I’ll say, I'm not sure I want to be alive, but I'm tired of trying to die."

So much for not rhyming...

I have a lot to live for, and relearn.


Mimey said...

I remember reading that Plath thought writing poetry was a matter of avoiding doing real writing. Didn't matter that her poems were amazingly wonderful, fiction, I guess, was her aim. I'm kinda like that. It's taken a long time to label myself poet, but I'm writing so many it seems churlish and childish not to use the word.

Well, what am I trying to say, erm, I'm glad you wrote a blog post. I have the post its in my brain, but they only come unstuck and into words when I'm sleepy, drunk, alone, quiet, in a heightened but not hysterical state. So most of the time my brain is full and buzzing in an irritated and unconsolable way.

I don't write to be happy, though, I write to live.

So, Hi ABC, hope the world is being kind to you, hope Ashley's being kind too! (Given sufficient stimulus and space the words will flow. They have to.)

Take care,

Mwah, jemima xxx

claireylove said...

Ashley, for me no one facet of writing is enough. I'm down on writing only poetry, down on writing only fiction, only blog entries, only thesis. I want them all. If I'm only doing one, no matter how well it's going, the others whisper their greater importance to me.

It's an impossible balance, beacuse there can never be enough time to be *simultaneously* involved with all of them. Still, the poetry comes, and being naturally shifty it is what I prefer to post on my blog, beacuse the details become oblique, and I feel less exposed, as it is equally about the word choice and arrangement, the space around words, as it is about the narrative. Still, I suppose its the same with all writing from the heart, whatever genre.

So what am I trying to say?

I am (selfishly) delighted that you are back because the writer in me finds your words nourishing and essential. And I'm also trying to convey that I know of your struggle with getting words, any words, down on paper, that mean enough to the self.

And most of all I'm saying,

welcome back, Ashley BC!

A. B. Chairiet said...

I'm ecstatic over the fact that not only am I being read again, but that I'm being read, at least, by three of the best writers I know.

Daibh: Hi! :)

Wonderful thoughts there on writing and post-its, and all things adhesive. ;)

I know you know what you're talking about, and thank you so much for helping me!

I hope you're well. :)


JVS: Hi! :)

Interesting stuff about Plath...I can sort of understand someone thinking it an avoidance, though I don't think it's an avoidance of REAL writing...poetry's real enough...but just an avoidance of prose. And prose is separate, so...I'm guessing that's what she meant. And that's pretty much what I meant to...I spent most of my summer writing poetry instead of prose.

As for labeling yourself a poet: You're definitely a poet, I think. But also a "real" writer. :)

And you're wonderful at both.

"...they only come unstuck and into words when I'm sleepy, drunk, alone, quiet, in a heightened but not hysterical state. So most of the time my brain is full and buzzing in an irritated and unconsolable way."

Ha! That's about the most perfect description for the why of writing and/or blogging I've ever fits me, too. :)

"I don't write to be happy, though, I write to live."


Thank you for the well-wishes, and I hope the world is taking care of you too. I hope you're well, and writing. :)


BB: Hi! It's so nice to hear from you. :)

I haven't been around in a while, but now that I'm no longer dead, that should free up a bit more time. ;)

I hope you're well. :)

"Still, I suppose its the same with all writing from the heart, whatever genre."

Definitely. And no matter how many genres a writer goes into, as long as it's from the heart, I guess that's all that matters. :)

Great thoughts on the subject...

And thank you so much for the welcome-back! :)

I've missed it. I've missed writing and reading everyday, and just being part of something. The whole writer's community.

Best of luck getting those words out on paper. :)


Thanks again, you three!

Happy Thursday,
~ Ash

Brian said...

August 23rd....

“I have a story to tell you. Story after story.”

Oh, Ashley, how I’ve missed your words. You have so much to give. So much to share with the world. The world might not be worthy, but you are…you know that don’t you?

“I spent all summer sleepwalking through life, just being quiet,”

I’ve never met anyone who can express their emotions as you do. Your feelings are there for those who can see, for those who want to feel.

I hear your voice when I read your words. The excitement, worries, fears, hopes, sadness, loneliness, frustrations, tenderness, anger,happiness, love…so much feeling. So much truth….

“Falling in love with men who don’t love me. Or can’t love me. Or won't.

Time to shut my eyes, and let the notes and the blank page consummate, and at the end of the day, I’ll say, I'm not sure I want to be alive, but I'm tired of trying to die."

I feel your tears as they fall down your cheek and the smile on your face when you find the beauty in your world.

I’ll start at the beginning, and maybe some day I’ll catch up to the present (although I am reading your current entries, but I’ll wait to comment on them until either I’ve caught up, or I can’t pass by without a word).

Your words fill me with hope and peace, knowing that they come from your soul.
