Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Beta Club

My real self, A. B. Chairiet, was delighted to see the Switch to Beta Version info box on my Blogger Dashboard yesterday.

I wanted to convert immediately. But, was busy...and now here I am: drinking coffee at five am. A bit apprehensive about making the ol' switch.

I tried to do so with a fake self I keep on the side...used only for testing out/building templates, and other such geeky hobbies I keep in secret from the readers and onlookers of my writing and photo blogs.

I was sad to find that my fake-plastic secret geek-self was unable to convert her blog to Beta...she was not invited. I'm not worthy...

I guess she simply hasn't been around long enough. Or didn't have an actual blog as of yesterday. (I delete it, rebuild it...etc.)

But yes, A. B. Chairiet...she was worthy. Had the prestigious option of switching all her many dead blogs and one single active blog over to beta...and she thought about it I assure you.

I was scared.

Didn't want to upset the deadblogs, or especially the living one.

I, instead, used my gmail account to start an all new blog.

And yes, invitation/prior-and-worthy existence or not, anyone, apparently, can go to and start anew. A new account, a new profile, a new name and beta blog.

How fun.


Laurent Schneider said...

well, creating a new blog is a wise option to try the beta !

A. B. Chairiet said...

Daibh: Thank you! :)

I like your too.


Laurent: Hi! And yes, after reading your post, I decided to just go with a new account, which wasn't hard at all, considering my pre-existing account with gmail.


I hope you both are doing well. :)